Thursday, July 11, 2024

Character of the Holy Church in Piers Plowman

The main subject of Piers Plowman is the Holy Church and its features. In those days, the condition of the English church was deplorable. Corruption was widespread. We can see that he not only criticized the church but also wrote about how the real church should be. So, we can see the character of the Holy Church, which is the true Jesus Christ or the features of the Christian religion.

The first word in Christianity is God. God is the creator of this earth. So, we have to love God and seek his blessings. We will achieve true freedom in life only after receiving our blessings, and the church is the ideal medium.

Jesus Christ is the creator of Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the savior of men. They believe that human beings have been saved by his arrival on earth, and he tried to save mankind all his life. All his life, he served human beings and loved them. He always tried to show them the right path. Human beings will achieve true freedom by walking on that path. The main function of the Holy Church is to save people and show them the right path.

The features of the church mentioned by Langland are not new, but the main problem is that in those days, the condition of churches in England and Europe was worse. The priests, instead of loving people, exploited them and became rich. As a result, people only suffered at the hands of the church.

In Book 1, three aspects of the Holy Church have been given importance. First, we have to believe in God and Jesus Christ. Then we will be able to reach the next stage. Those who do not believe in their hearts will not be able to prosper. So, we must have faith in God and Jesus Christ. Faith in God and Jesus Christ is the main foundation of every religion. In other religions around the world, a lot of emphasis has been placed on believing in God. In every major religious book, faith in God has been given the most importance, and then other matters have been discussed.

After faith, the next most important quality is Truth. Every day, we face lots of problems in this world, and often we have to lie. But if we keep lying and follow the wrong path, one day we will suffer. So, we should always remain truthful and honest and love truth. Those who remain honest and truthful believe in God. When we believe in God, we will be on the path of honesty because God emphasizes truth.

Loving God and Jesus Christ is an important duty. Jesus Christ loved men with all his heart. He did not even take revenge on those who killed him. He also advised others to forgive them.

The rich should show love to the poor. Those who are powerful can oppress poor people whenever they want, and it is very common. The Holy Church teaches us to show love and sympathy towards poor and weak people. We should help them. We only show kindness to someone when we love them. In the poem, the poet talks about two types of love— love towards God and love towards men.

Although William Langland was a 14th-century poet, he was a modern man in thought. He tried to show that Christianity is inherently good, but the priests ruined this religion. Hence, we all should return to the roots of Christianity and restore the original Holy Church.

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