Friday, September 11, 2020

Was Jane Austen a Victorian writer?

If you are a student of English literature then you should have read Pride and Prejudice written by famous novelist Jane Austen. The main theme of this novel is love and marriage. The litterateur has dealt with this theme throughout her novel. 

Jane Austen belonged to the Romantic Age, but she hardly had anything similar to that time. Instead, her ideas were more or less similar to that of the Victorian time. Jane Austen lived mainly inside her house and did not go out that much. So, she was not that much influenced by events like the French Revolution- something that inspired Wordsworth and Coleridge to start the Romantic Movement in English literature. Instead, Jane Austen was concerned about the condition of women. She knew that for a girl, finding a suitable husband was more important than thinking about the ideas of the French Revolution- liberty, equality and fraternity. In Pride and Prejudice, we cannot find any other thing except the idea of love and marriage.

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