Sunday, July 7, 2019

The awful scenario of mathematics and language education in the primary schools in Bangladesh

A survey on the standard of education in Bangladesh conducted by the government is saying that students of the primary schools are getting only 40% of their required education from schools.  

In this research on evaluation of the students, a fearful scenario about the standard of the government primary schools has come out.  

90% students of the fifth grade have low standard mathematics skills. On the other hand, 35% students of the third grade have low standard in Bangla language education.

In Bangladesh, the number of government primary school is 63,600. The number of students is two crore and nineteen lakh. As a result, education researchers said, “There is a close relation between the education standard of these schools and the standard of the country’s overall education.”

Rasheda K Chowdhury, the leading education researcher of Bangladesh, said to BBC that the standard of education and insufficiency in the primary level education is very alarming.” She said that a survey conducted by them in 2015 has shown that students are being depended on coaching for not getting education in school.”

Md Gias Uddin Ahmed, Additional Secretary of the ministry of Primary and Mass Education, said to Rakib Hasnat of BBC Bangla that they have accepted the result of this research and are thinking deeply about the ways to solve this problem.

He mentioned that they are thinking of organizing various competitions in the primary level to improve the standard of mathematics education.  

But one primary teacher told BBC that the lack of teachers is the main reason for this situation.   

Fatima Sharmin, a teacher of Amtali Staff Welfare Govt. Primary School, said, “There are 10 teachers for 529 students in her school.”

That means, one teacher has to manage more than 50 students on an average where this number is not supposed to be more than 30 in the government policy. This scenario is worse in rural areas.

“The number of student is very high, and on top of that they come with a different level of intelligence. So, we cannot give necessary attention to everyone. As a result, many low-intelligence students are being lost.”

“During training, we are taught to take preparation before taking class, but where is the time?”

Although the present government has paid attention to increasing the number of students and stop them from dropping out, the fear about the standard of education is increasing by day.


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