Saturday, January 26, 2019

Ten street foods in Dhaka Part 2

If we make a list of street foods then this list will never finish. It is because people’s taste changes continuously. As time passes, new food items are prepared by the street food sellers. I have already written a post about 10 street foods in Dhaka city. You can consider it as a sequel of the previous post. 

Green and ripe tamarind smash: Tamarind is a sour type fruit which brings water to our mouth. When Tamarind smash mixed with green chili, mustard oil, salt, pepper and different types of spices comes to our mind, it gives a different kind of feeling. Small businessmen have installed shops of this alluring spicy green and ripe tamarind smash on bucket, van or at selected places of the city. Keeping the convenience of customers in mind, some shopkeepers keep whole tamarind which is so alluring to see. It has vitamin C, mineral, protein and for having low fat, it is at the top of the choice of health conscious customers. 
Shrimp chop or shrimp fry: Shrimp chop made by lentil and shrimp and shrimp fry made by shrimp dipped into pea-flour and fried into deep oil are familiar foods to pedestrians. Shrimp chop is usually made by using lentil, onion, chili and spices with small sized shrimp. The nutrient rich lentil and the unique taste of the fish of this food bring variation to the taste in mouth. In the same way, the outer beauty and the popularity of shrimp fry with the taste of all-purpose flour and pea-flour is not less in any part. In the making of shrimp fry, big-sized shrimp and various types of spices are used. Aside from tourist attractions of Dhaka city, overflowing crowd of different ages of people in front of the shops selling shrimp fry in crowded areas is worth watching.
Vegetable roll: It is hard to find any person who does not like vegetable. After slightly boiling various types of vegetables including carrot, potato, cucumber, capsicum, peas etc., they are rolled inside the flour bread which looks great and delicious in taste. This business is profitable as vegetables are still comparatively cheap in our country. On an average, almost every vegetable roll is sold at Tk. 30 to 40. After frying it in deep oil, it looks bigger in size and it turns brown which makes it even more tempting and also delicious to eat.
Naan bread and grill: Among the savory and street foods, naan and grill are taking the top place in terms of popularity. Whether it is an afternoon meal or chit-chatting between friends, this food gives a different kind of satisfaction. This bread made inside a large charcoal furnace with white flour, soybean oil and baking powder looks quite bigger than ordinary bread. Grill, which is at the top of the popularity list of youth, is prepared by burning whole marinated chicken in a moderate heat by a machine. Most of the people enjoy naan bread, grill and salad in the afternoon meal.
Kacchi Biryani: “Kacchi biryani” is the name of a traditional food of Dhaka city. When we hear the name of Kacchi biryani, we feel the shiver of eating in our mind. It is a very familiar food among old Dhaka residents, including old, rich-poor and businessman. Kacchi biryani is sold from a large cooking pot in the market areas. During a break from work or at the end of a day’s work, a plate of Kacchi biryani fulfills the need of food. The scent of the biryani cooked with chicken or beef, various types of spices and Polar rice tells the taste of this food. Shopkeepers are doing profitable business by selling each plate of biryani at Tk 50 or more.
Noodles: Whether it is school Tiffin or afternoon meal, it is a name of a popular food in everyone’s favorite list. Using tomato, carrot, potato, capsicum, this inimitable food is cooked with different types of vegetables. For having demand among customers, shopkeepers have kept it in the list of different types of street food of Bengali food lovers. An egg with noodles always increases its nutrition as well as taste. Some people enjoy it very much with sour tomato sauce.
Green mango smear: At the end of spring, especially at the beginning of summer season, mango trees are covered with a lot of mangoes. This fruit filled in vitamin C is preferred by all people, irrespective of gender, race and class. When the view of mango smeared with mustard oil, kasundi, bit salt and green chili comes to our mind, it brings water to our mouth. Besides students of colleges and universities, this spicy food has made its place in the list of favorites of all ages of women. From cutting to smearing the mangoes, shopkeepers do everything throughout the season, and thus, showcasing the skill of their hands, attracting even more customers. This way, they can extend their business to a large extent. Lowest price starts from Tk 10 and sellers can sell in accordance with the customers’ demand. 
Boiled Chickpeas mixture: Among spicy foods, boiled chickpeas are more or less popular to everyone. The main ingredient of this food is boiled chickpeas which are mixed with boiled potato and other spices. The shopkeepers serve it in a different way. After all the ingredients are boiled, the shopkeepers serve it in front of the customer with cucumber, tomato, sliced onion, sliced green chili, sliced boiled egg and coriander leaves. This high-fiber food is beneficial for health because of having carbohydrate and it is also strength-enhancer. Shopkeepers with a small investment can do this business easily roaming from one place to another on a three-wheel van, or on a bucket or bowl.
Juice: Summer season means different types of fruit juice taking a wide possession among street foods. On the one hand, there is terrible heat of summer, and on the other hand, it is just the beginning of the seasonal fruits. Talking to the shopkeepers, it has come to be known that this business is very profitable from March to September of the year. Watermelon, green ripe mango, ripe bael, malta, orange, apple, grape, pomegranate and many other fruits rich in nutrition and mineral have made their place to the juice shops. Considering the demand of the customers, price and quality, each glass of juice is sold for minimum Tk. 20. Other street food shops remain crowded in the afternoon, but when it comes to juice, shopkeepers do good business from morning to night. 
Burger: Among the street foods and fast foods, burger is a very popular food item to all ages of people. This food with the taste of bread, butter, cucumber, tomato, lettuce and chicken fry has got more popularity in the afternoon meal or in the school Tiffin. Compared to famous restaurants, price of burger is inexpensive in the street side shops. That is the reason the crowd of burger loving people in front of these shops are worth watching. The tasty crispy chicken fry with mayonnaise increases the taste of the burger and makes it more tempting. Besides the students of school, college and university, burger is a popular name to people of all professions.

If you have any query then let me know in the comment box.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ten street foods in Dhaka Part 1

Like many other countries, street foods are also becoming popular day by day in Bangladesh. List of street foods is increasing gradually in our country. Almost all types of foods are sold on the street. Taking health issue into consideration, street food sellers have become more cautious about cleanliness and try their best to provide hygienic food to their customers. Here is a list of 10 most popular street foods in Dhaka city. 

Ice cream: Summer season means exhaustion from overheat. Delightful food like ice cream is found in school, office or in the streets and other crowded places. From children to elders, people of all ages like to eat ice cream. There is hardly anyone who does not like to eat ice cream. Ice cream is one type of sweet liquid food which removes fatigue quickly and makes the mind cool, fresh and lively. It is basically made up of various items, including milk, fruit and chocolate. This awesome food is made by mixing pure drinking water and food color along with various fruit extracts, coconut and milk. It is a popular name among people not only in the country but also around the world. Some shopkeepers store it in an electronic fridge while others keep it in the ice box.
Sugarcane juice: This edible plant food is the only source of producing sugar. Rich in carbohydrate, protein and mineral, this drink is very popular in our country. In rural areas, some people call it ‘Gendari’ or ‘Kusor’, but it is known as ‘Aakh’ in urban areas. Soon after the arrival of spring season after the end of winter, the shopkeepers with the help of engine-run machine on a mobile vehicle extract sugarcane juice in the busy streets. At the end of the day, before returning home, people from all walks of life get their energy back to their bodies drinking a glass of sugarcane juice. It can be realized by seeing from closer. Because of having abundance of energy in sugarcane juice, it is a familiar and tasty drink to almost all classes of people besides the lower-class and middle-class people.
Boiled egg: The importance of egg is most in the list of protein-rich foods. Whether it is home or outside, it has value everywhere. Among street foods in our country, it is also at the peak of the list of favorite foods. If we look, we can see that there are more young students in the list of customers, especially those who come together to gossip after a session of study or the day’s work. It is as if a boiled egg fulfills the body’s protein need. Apart from local and broiler chicken eggs, there are duck eggs in the list of the shopkeeper. Each egg is sold for a price ranging from Tk 4 to 10. The sale and demand of egg is high in the winter compared to the summer season.
Spicy Aloo Dum: Potato is one of the vegetables used to prepare this dish. We cannot think of any curry without potato as an ingredient. Spicy chili aloo dum in the afternoon meal brings different taste to mouth. The taste and demand of this food can be understood seeing the crowd in this shop where all types of potatoes are boiled and fried with various types of spices. Among the tasty foods, this food has much popularity, especially among young people.
Chanachur mixture: Among tasty spicy foods, chanachur mixture is very delicious to eat. Whether it is winter or summer season, this business is a hit round the year. Chanachur mixed with green chili, cucumber, onion and mustard oil is one of the favorite food items among all ages of people. Talking to the shopkeepers, it has come to be known that it is one of the very profitable businesses that can be started with a small capital. As different types of vegetables and chanachur can be easily carried in a big silver plate, this business can be expanded by traveling from one place to another. As its price is affordable, everyone loves to eat it.
Shashlik: It is another popular street food made with the mixture of different types of vegetables and meat. This item is decorated with sliced cucumber and chronologically arranged with carrot, onion and meat pieces, and fried in oil. It is then served to the customers. Each stick or each piece is sold at Tk. 30. This very delicious food brings diversity to the afternoon meal. Generally, chicken meat is more used in Shashlik. Apart from ordinary people, university students are at the center of their target customers.
Corn: The pleasure of eating corn burnt in charcoal on the city streets gives a different kind of feeling. It is one of the most delicious foods rich in carbohydrate. The tendency of eating burnt corn is seen more in the city street compared to village, especially in winter. The taste of corn burnt in charcoal is enjoyed by all ages of people. From the health standpoint, corn is beneficial for human body. This food filled with vitamin C, thiamine, mineral keeps heart healthy, remove anemia, helps in digestion and decreasing cholesterol level of human body. In the evening, the scenery of corn burning in charcoal fire and the popularity of the buyers at Rabindra Sarobar area of Dhaka city looks quite beautiful.
French fry: Potato is one of the most important vegetables of Bangladesh. French fry is a delicious food item made by potato which is very much in demand among the people. The scenario of this food fried in hot oil and served with sour Tomato sauce tells how much popular it is. This quality and nutritious food is widely known not only in Bangladesh but also all over the world. Rich in protein and carbohydrate, and useful to reduce lower blood pressure, this food is beneficial for human body. Because the price of potato is cheap in our country, shopkeepers can easily decide to do such a business with small investment. Fried in oil, the brown color of the French fry increases the temptation of the dish double.
Chicken, beef and various types of meat curry along with rice: Among the heavy dishes including chicken and beef curry and rice is the most important food in our country. But in the busiest city Dhaka, rice with meat curry has made its place in the street food. Rice takes its place in the lunch menu of working people across all profession. People of all classes can enjoy this food for having low price compared to well-furnished restaurant and spicy onion. It feels quite tasty to eat meat curry and lentil with rice. Main customers of this food are work-oriented people, especially those working in the market, office, driver of different types of vehicles and those who do not get enough time to take rest.

Coconut: When fatigue appears in the face of pedestrian and working class people, a glass of coconut water can remove this exhaustion. Among different types of street foods, green coconut water is taking the top position in the popularity list of people from all ages and walks of people. Shopkeepers sell small, medium and large sized coconuts in moveable carts in schools, colleges, university campuses, market areas, bus stands and other crowded places. Price of the coconut depends on size and the price starts from Tk 30 and each coconut is also sold for Tk 70 to 80. In the presence of potassium, magnesium and copper, it causes to refill the energy by rapidly increasing the immunity performance of the human body. Transparent water of green coconut and its soft white part inside bring back the refreshment of the mind and also works well as an antiseptic. 
If you have any query then let me know in the comment box. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Predicament of Alcestis

Alcestis is such a drama of ancient Greece where female character has got more importance than male characters. Perhaps this was not natural in the male dominated society, but the dramatist Euripides surely tried his best to portray the character of Alcestis. If we look at the predicament of Alcestis, we will notice that this is a very interesting incident to reader or audience. We have to remember that it was a stage drama and we have to think of the emotion and reaction of the stage audience rather than readers of the book. Thus, if we look from the beginning to the end then we will notice that the predicament of Alcestis is interesting. 
At the opening of the drama, we can see that Apollo was talking to the Fates. He cheated the Fates once about the death of Admetus who was the husband of Alcestis. Because of Apollo, Alcestis must take place of Admetus in death. This is like fate for Alcestis. It is not fate because she chose her own destiny. It is her predicament and she was forced to accept the condition. She is a loving wife and even more caring mother. If she lost her husband then she would perhaps be able to marry again. But if the children lose their father then they can never get their father back. A step father is perhaps worse than having no father at all. 

She laments that Admetus’ father did not offer his life instead, since that would have been a highly noble act. By dying for his son, he would have allowed the young married couple to live out their life rather than hang on to his aged life. 

Readers get to know the physical and mental condition of Alcestis through the comment of servant. When chorus asked the servant whether Alcestis is alive or dead, she said, in response to the question, that Alcestis is on the verge of death, both living and dead, a phrase that ironically signifies her imminent shift of fate. The servant also tells the chorus that when she becomes aware that the day of her death has arrived, she bathed herself, put on fine attire, and prayed to the earth goddess that she would watch over her orphaned son and daughter, and when they are older, marry them to noble spouses. She wept uncontrollably when she bade farewell to her marriage bed. She said,
“O marriage-bed, she cried Farewell! Here once I gave my maidenhood to him; And now my life.” 

Alcestis accompanied by guards, husband and her children is taken outside so that she may look upon the light of the day one more time. Alcestis says she can see the boatman Charon. She tells Admetus how Charon is urging her impatiently to get into the boat. It indicates that death is near to her. She told Admetus,
“I now am dying in your place; though I need not have died.” 

So, in the drama, we can see that it was a time for Alcestis to die and all the events focus around this matter. She really loves her children. The sacrifice she made was more for the children rather than for her husband. 

It is clear that everyone loves Alcestis. Her husband respected her and all the servants also honored her. So, when Heracles got drunk, one servant got annoyed and told real story. Heracles fought with Death and saved Alcestis and brought her back. It shows that she was a special woman. She had great personality but in Ancient Greece, women were hardly admired for their personalities. 

Thus, the predicament of Alcestis is like a fairy tale and full of miracle. This is a drama about Alcestis and that is why her qualities are glorified. On the other hand, in the legend of Heracles, it was the mighty action of Heracles that should get more importance. It was the action, bravery and courage of Heracles that changed the predicament of Alcestis. So, the readers may get confused about who is greater- Heracles or Alcestis. To the modern readers, the sacrifice of Alcestis is something exceptional and admirable. 

Alcestis was a brave woman and also was dedicated to her husband. However, in the ancient Greece, good qualities of women were often neglected. They felt that it was a duty of a woman to be dedicated to her husband and it is natural as women were inferior to men. Alcestis was an exceptional person and that is why, she was not worried about her destiny. She could overcome and conquer life and fate. She was not afraid of dying and that is an exceptional quality in any age. She was not even a soldier. It is the job of a soldier to fight and even die if needed. But Alcestis was a mere housewife and she was braver than any soldier. 

The predicament of Alcestis has fairy tale qualities but at the same time Euripides has tried to say that we should honor woman more. We should give value to our wives more and Alcestis was a very good woman. Because she was good in the end, she got saved. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Glorification of Alcestis

Alcestis is an Athenian tragedy written by the ancient Greek playwright Euripides. Alcestis is the central character of this play. In ancient Greece, it was not possible to highlight a female character in plays. However, Euripides dared to glorify a female figure instead of a male character.

Alcestis plays the most important role in this play. She is the heroine and main character around whom the whole story takes place. This play is about an admirable marriage. She has been glorified. Alcestis’ self-sacrifice makes her an ideal wife. Alcestis represents an image of the women’s life. Euripides also represents an image of the woman of his society. As Admetus is in trouble, so it is Alcestis’ duty to get rid of the trouble from her husband’s life. It gives us a glimpse of the society where it is believed that a man’s life is more valuable than a woman’s. However, that does not take away any glory from Alcestis because the father of Admetus did not have the courage to die in his place. It shows that Alcestis was a brave woman and braver than a man.
Euripides has dealt with love, devotion, passion, and sacrifice of a woman. Alcestis is a young lady and she has chance to lead her life happily. Since she loves her husband, she cannot imagine a life without her beloved husband. For this reason, she has become ready to die in place of her husband. No one was ready to offer himself in Admetus’ place. But it is Alcestis who recruits herself to die for her husband. It shows her love and devotion towards her husband. For this reason, she has been glorified by everyone including Chorus, servant, Admetus and Pheres, the father of Admetus.

Two choruses of men enter the scene. The first chorus observes that the palace seems very quiet. The second chorus wonders why none of the king’s relatives is around to tell them whether the queen, Alcestis, daughter of Pelias, is dead and they should mourn for her death or she is still alive. They go on to say that everyone believes “She is the noblest wife a man ever had.”

Because they hear or see no activity signaling the preparation of funeral rites, the choristers think she must be alive. In order to support this view, the first chorus said if she were dead then the palace did not remain silent. The second chorus said that she must have died by now. However, the first chorus said that at least her dead body was not carried out to burial. Though the second chorus questioned over this matter, the first chorus said why it is not possible. He said that for Admetus it is not possible to bury his “true and noble wife” secretly without calling friends to mourn for her death.

A female maid servant comes from the palace weeping. Looking at her, chorus asked whether Alcestis is alive or dead. She tells the men that Alcestis is on the verge of death, “both living and dead”. The palace has already prepared for her funeral. The chorus leader tells the servant, “Let her be sure of this: her death will make her famous as the most noble of all women in the wide earth.”

The servant said that truly Alcestis is the noblest woman and no one can question about this. According to the servant, she is the perfect example of an ideal wife and no one can surpass her. By dying for Admetus, she proved that she honors her husband. When Alcestis became aware that the day of her death had arrived, she bathed herself, put on fine attire, and prayed to the earth goddess that she would watch over her orphaned son and daughter and when they are older marry them to noble spouses.

Admetus also glorified his wife saying “your love demands my worship”. Because of his wife, he could escape death. Alcestis agreed to die in his place. A woman can take such kind of decision if she truly loves her husband. Later, Admetus admitted that it is impossible to live without his wife.

Admetus told his inability to bring Alcestis back from the mouth of death. He said if he could sing like Orpheus then he would go down to the underworld and pleased Pluto and his wife Persephone with his voice and brought her back living to the light of day and neither Cerberus nor even Charon’s ferry which is loaded with the souls of dead men could stop him. He also said that when the time will come for him to die, he will leave order to bury his body in her coffin. In the Underworld, they will once again be together. He said,
“I will not, even in death, be parted from you, who alone are true to me.”

Pheres, the father of Admetus, praises Alcestis as a noble and modest wife. He goes on to say that her courageous and noble sacrifice has given new dignity of life to “the whole female sex”.

Her devotion and sacrifice towards her husband glorified her. She has been praised by all characters of this play. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

Japan has bought all the business of Akij cigarette

Japan Tobacco International, the second largest tobacco company in Japan, is buying all of Akij Group’s cigarette making businesses.

For this reason, Japan Tobacco International signed a deal worth twelve thousand and four hundred crore take with the owner of Akij Group.

This investment of Japanese Cigarette Company will be the single largest foreign investment in the private sector of Bangladesh till now. 
Asmar Osman, economist of Human Development Research Centre (HDRC), said, “There is no reason to be surprised seeing the interest of foreign investment in this sector due to the number of smokers in Bangladesh, the big market of cigarette and the government’s reluctance to discourage smoking.”

After signing a deal with Akij Group, Japan Tobacco International in one statement has said, “In Bangladesh, 8,600 crores of cigarette sticks are sold annually, and 20% of that market will be in their possession as a result of buying the business of Akij cigarette.”

According to the sources of the international media, Japan Tobacco International has bought some local cigarette companies in Russia, Indonesia and Philippines in the last one year.

This time, they have bought Akij Group’s United Tobacco Company, which is the second largest cigarette maker of Bangladesh. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Thyestes is a revenge play

Tragedy is an ancient form of drama and it was very popular in ancient Greece. In fact, many dramatis and scholars in ancient Greece thought that tragedy was higher than comedy or any other kind of drama. In ancient Greece, we can find one of the best examples of tragedy in Oedipus of Sophocles. In Roman civilization, tragedy was also popular and it was even more developed in a different way by Roman philosopher and scholar Seneca. Seneca wrote eight tragedies and he particularly made one kind of tragedy popular which is called revenge tragedy. His drama Thyestes is a revenge tragedy and one of the best examples of the Senecan tragedy.
Before going any further, we should talk a little bit about Senecan tragedy and its elements. Senecan revenge tragedy has a revenge plot. Someone will harm someone and the affected person will take revenge. This is the common idea, but Senecan revenge tragedies have perhaps other added elements. First of all, in Senecan elements, we will always find supernatural elements. Supernatural elements are very strong and they contribute actively in supporting the person who is taking revenge. Then, there is another element which is always presented in Senecan revenge tragedy and that is political instability and fighting. It is the incident that does not take place as simple personal matter, but it becomes more related to getting power and politics.

In Thyestes, we can see these two things and I am going to discuss a little bit later about it. The final element which is perhaps common in Senecan revenge tragedy is that there will be full of bloodshed and very bad act of cruelty. Sometimes, this example of cruelty becomes inhuman and too much bad. For example, in this drama, Thyestes is given the flesh and blood of his own two sons in the form of soup. In Thyestes, we can find that the supernatural elements are present strongly. In fact, in the opening scene, the Fury reminds the grandfather of Atreus and Thyestes about a crimes committed by his family. Then Tentalus became sad and left everything. The Fury predicts bad things for his house. Anyway, Atreus is angry with Thyestes for several reasons. The first reason is that he wants to enjoy the kingship or ruling over the country alone and he wants even more. He is not satisfied that Thyestes is exiled and cannot do anything. Atreus is the king himself. This is not enough and he wants everything.

On the other hand, Thyestes has also committed a bad action. He had adultery with the wife of Atreus and because of it there is some doubt about who is the real father of the two sons of Atreus. So, Atreus is angry and he wants to take revenge. Atreus is also very greedy and he is jealous of Thyestes.

So, Atreus takes revenge by killing the two sons of Thyestes and then he secretly put the blood and flesh of these two sons in soup and then he gave Thyestes this soup. Thyestes was heavily drunk and he could not understand that he was eating the flesh and blood of his own two sons. This way, very bad thing happened and Thyestes vowed that he would take revenge in future. Thyestes could take revenge by taking the throne. He became king later and sent the two sons of Atreus to exile. Thus, we can see political instability and revenge.

During Senecan life, Rome had similar condition. There was always fighting and no one trusted no one. As a result, Seneca suffered. He was one of the most influential and most important persons in Roman Empire. But he had many enemies and many people were jealous of him. So in the end, he had to leave the capital city and take shelter to a rural area.

Senecan tragedy became popular in England in Renaissance time. Shakespeare’s Macbeth or Thomas Kyd’s Spanish Tragedy contains some elements of the Senecan revenge tragedy. 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Relationship between Alcestis and Admetus

Alcestis was one of the best dramas of Euripides. He wrote this drama at a time when women had hardly any rights in Ancient Greece. So, to write a drama in which the main character will be a woman was not an easy task considering the social condition of that time. Admetus was the husband of Alcestis and he was the ruler of the land. So, the first relationship we can think of Alcestis and Admetus is of husband and wife and then they were king and queen.
The King was the ruler of the land and was higher than anyone. So, Admetus was higher than Alcestis in two ways- one as a man and secondly as a ruler. Alcestis was a woman and was like second class people in the rank of servants. The citizens were the chorus and they were supporting and feeling pity for Admetus.

On the other hand, the servants liked Alcestis because she was a generous woman and always treated the servants well. So, sometimes, we get the death news of Alcestis not from Admetus but from the female servants.

Admetus was not a bad man or bad husband. He was a very hospitable man. Despite the death of Alcestis, he hid it from Heracles as Heracles would feel sad after coming to their home. He even drank with Heracles as a part of welcoming the guest. However, it shows that he considered his role as a host or friend more important than his role as a husband.

Alcestis sacrificed her life for her husband because she loved her husband and also she did not want her children to become fatherless at such an early age. Thus, in a way the relationship between Alcestis and Admetus was one way. Alcestis was supposed to sacrifice everything and give all the services just because she was the wife and woman. On the other hand, as the man and husband, Admetus was enjoying everything. 

This kind of relationship between a husband and a wife was perhaps natural in ancient Greece. What is uncommon is how Euripides showed this relationship. He was a bit sympathetic towards Alcestis. The father of Admetus did not want to die in his place but Alcestis did this highest level of sacrifice.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Andrew Marvell is a metaphysical poet

Andrew Marvell is the most famous metaphysical poet after John Donne. Some of his poems are very popular and read by people even today. “To His Coy Mistress” is one of his most popular poems. England was going through a rough period when Marvel came of age. Civil war erupted in England and Puritans seized power and royalists returned to power. Marvel was a clever person; he tried to adapt himself to his contemporary political condition which is why he did not suffer much. As a metaphysical poet, he was a follower of Donne but he did not follow him blindly. In many matters, he and Donne shared similar thoughts and ideas but there were dissimilarities as well. Donne was not a man of emotion but Andrew Marvell, in many cases, gave importance to his emotion. Reading his poetry, often readers would feel that there are some resemblances between Marvell and Elizabethan poets. Sometimes it would feel that he was a follower of Petrarchan style. Sometimes readers would find that Donne and Andrew shared almost same thoughts. 
Already I have mentioned that Marvell had a tough time due to political instability in England at that period. It was one of the worst periods in the history of England. This had hindered on Andrew Marvel’s advancement as a poet. He presented various thoughts in his poetry which would lead many readers to believe that there is no regular pattern in his work. 

In his famous poem “To His Coy Mistress”, we can see a great mixture of logic, emotion and intellect. He is telling his beloved that even though she is beautiful she should have physical intercourse. In this regard, he actually made fun of Platonic love and tried to show that such love has no value. He also tried to show that he was emotional and had great love for his beloved. He presented this matter by using various examples, conceit, comparison, simile and metaphor. 

“The Definition of Love” is another famous poem of Andrew Marvell. Here he presented a different analysis of love. Reading this poem, readers would feel that Marvell was a pessimist. It would seem that there is no such thing as real love and one should not be excited about it. 

“The Drop of Dew” is free from any type of religious emotion but the poet talked about religion instead of love between a man and a woman in this poem. Here he talked about holiness and purity. Reading this poem, reader might think that Andrew Marvell was very different from that of a metaphysical poet. 

Overall, Andrew Marvell was a metaphysical poet and we can say a few things in this regard. Firstly, his use of conceit. In “To His Coy Mistress”, he used many conceits. He talked about the Ganges. India was discovered at that time and he mentioned the Ganges river of India. The Ganges is the most sacred river of India. It shows that Andrew Marvell was a metaphysical poet. Though his poets had other features but none of them affected the metaphysical qualities of his poetry. 

Preserving freedom is harder to obtain than achieving it

  Freedom is a fundamental right of every human. While the concept of freedom is appealing, achieving it is often a challenging endeavor. No...