Monday, December 3, 2018

Change of Degrees Part One (1): Superlative to Positive

If you find any mistake, do not hesitate to mention it in the comment box.
Change of Degrees from Superlative to Positive:
1.   The Padma is the largest river in Bangladesh.
Answer: No other river in Bangladesh is so large as the Padma.
2.   Jamal is the best boy I have ever found.
Answer: No other boy I have ever found is so good as Jamal.
3.   Sohel is the noblest person I have ever found.
Answer: No other person I have ever found is so noble as Sohel.
4.   This is the dirtiest place in the city.
Answer: No other place in the city is so dirty as this.
5.   He was the cleverest of all persons.
Answer: No other person was so clever as he.
6.   Bhutan is one of the smallest countries in the world.
Answer: Very few countries in the world are so small as Bhutan.
7.   This is one of the greatest pictures in the world.
Answer: Very few pictures in the world are so great as this.
8.   Milk is the most nutritious of all kinds of food.
Answer: No other kind of food is so nutritious as milk.
9.   Sonargoan is one of the most expensive restaurants.
Answer: Very few restaurants are as so expensive as Sonargoan.
10.                The rose is the finest of all flowers.
Answer: No other flower is so fine as the rose.
11.                A journey by boat gives me the greatest pleasure.
Answer: Nothing gives me so great a pleasure as journey by boat.
12.                January is the coldest month in Bangladesh.
Answer: No other month in Bangladesh is so cold as January.
13.                My car is the most expensive car.
Answer: No other car is so expensive as my car.
14.                It burns the prettiest of any wood.
Answer: No other wood burns so pretty as it.
15.                Time passes the quickest of anything.
Answer: Nothing passes so quick as time.
16.                He is one of my closest friends.
Answer: Very few friends are so close as he.
17.                Gold is the most precious metal.
Answer: No other metal is so precious as gold.
18.                Rani is the prettiest girl in the class.
Answer: No other girl in the class is so pretty as Rani.
19.                He is the best boy.
Answer: No other boy is so good as he.
20.                Mr. Jabber is the most popular teacher.
Answer: No other teacher is so popular as Mr. Jabber.
21.                The lady was the cleverest woman.
Answer: No other woman was so clever as the lady.
22.                He draws the lowest salary in the office.
Answer: No one in the office draws salary so low as he.
23.                Karim and Bella sacrificed the greatest treasures of their flat.
Answer: No one sacrificed so great treasure of their flat as Karim and Bella.
24.                The mutton chop was the cheapest dish on the menu.
Answer: No other dish on the menu was cheap as the mutton chop.
25.                This is the rarest opportunity.
Answer: No other opportunity is so rare as this.
26.                He is the kindest man I have ever seen.
Answer: No other man I have ever seen is so kind as he.
27.                Mr. Hasan is the fittest chairman.
Answer: No other chairman is so fit as Mr. Hasan.
28.                Bella’s comb is the finest in the shop window.
Answer: Nothing in the shop window is so fine as Bella’s comb.
29.                Of all who give and receive gifts, they are the wisest.
Answer: No other people who give and receive gifts, are so wise as they.
30.                The cow is the most useful of all animals.
Answer: No other animal is so useful as the cow.
31.                Rafiq is the wisest of all men who work in the office.
Answer: No other man in the office is so wise as Rafiq.
32.                He works the hardest of all workers.
Answer: No other worker works so hard as he.
33.                The lady was the cleverest woman the writer had ever seen.
Answer: No other the writer had ever seen was so clever as the lady.
34.                Liza is the smartest of all girls.
Answer: No other girl is so smart as Liza.
35.                Shakespeare is the greatest of all dramatists.
Answer: No other dramatist is so great as Shakespeare.
36.                They live in the remotest corner of the country.
Answer: No other of the country live so remote as they.
37.                Aziz is the sincerest student in our school.
Answer: No other student in our school is so sincere as Aziz.
38.                Milk is the most nutritious of all foods.
Answer: No other food is so nutritious as milk.
39.                English is the richest of all languages in the world.
Answer: No other language in the world is so rich as English.
40.                The porter was the cleverest of all in the company.
Answer: No other in the company was so clever as the porter.


  1. Of all who give and receive gifts,they are the wisest.

    1. They are wiser then all who give and receive gifts.(comparative). All who give and receive gifts are not as wise as they.(positive) or, No other who gives and receives gifts is so wise as they.

    2. Of all who give and receive gifts, they are the wisest.
      Change superlative to positive

  2. Can u do, this forbidden book lasted the longest of all the rests

    1. This forbidden book lasted longer than all the rest.(comparative)
      No other book of the rest lasted as long as this forbidden one.(positive)

  3. To cut down trees at random is the most hateful thing. positive degree

    1. Nothing is as hateful think as cut down trees.

  4. Of all who give and receive gifts, they are the wisest.
    Answer: No other people who give and receive gifts, are so wise as they.
    এটা ২৯ নং প্রশ্ন।
    No other এর পর তো people বসার কথা নয়। People তো plural.

  5. এটি পড়াশোনার জন্য অনেক সাহায়ক একটি সাইট আমি মনে করি।
    ধন্যবাদ আপনাদের উপকারের জন্য ❣️

  6. Very few pictures of the world are as great as this one positive to superlative

  7. This site is useful, love it.


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