Monday, September 30, 2024

Victorian elements and ideas in Tennyson’s Oenone and Tithonus

Alfred, Lord Tennyson was the greatest poet of the Victorian age, and during his lifetime, he was more popular than Robert Browning and Matthew Arnold. One of the reasons for Tennyson’s popularity was his ability to capture the spirit of his time. In other words, he had a good understanding of what people thought during his lifetime. This made him very famous and successful. The two poems under discussion, Oenone and Tithonus, are based on Greek mythology. They also contain moral lessons, yet they reflect Victorian elements and ideas. As a result, these poems were fascinating to Victorian readers.

The Victorian age in England began with the reign of Queen Victoria. However, many people believe that it started slightly earlier with the Reform Act of 1832. Victoria ascended the British throne in 1837. It was a very important time for England for many reasons. There were political issues, as ordinary people were demanding voting rights and democracy. The British people witnessed significant changes in various fields, particularly in science and knowledge. It was a very unstable time, with many things happening in a short period. Tennyson himself was somewhat conservative and did not favor rapid change. Therefore, in Oenone and Tithonus, we can see Tennyson criticizing those who sought change too quickly or recklessly.

If we look at Oenone, we will notice that Paris neglected his devoted wife, Oenone. She was dedicated, loving, and caring toward Paris, but he did not reciprocate her feelings. When the three goddesses offered him three gifts, he chose not to select knowledge. In doing so, he neglected wisdom, an idea Tennyson strongly disapproved of. Tennyson, being a man who valued knowledge, wanted to emphasize the importance of education and intellectual growth.

Neglecting knowledge, Paris pursued beauty. He cared more for passion than for knowledge and logic. Oenone tried to reason with him using logic, but Paris refused to listen to what was right and rational. Tennyson may have symbolized the idea that if people prioritize passion and beauty over logic and knowledge, social disharmony and unrest will follow. As a result of Paris’ actions, Troy was completely destroyed in a devastating war.

In Oenone, Tennyson aimed to convey a message to the people of his time, particularly in Victorian England, emphasizing the importance of embracing knowledge over beauty. He suggested that individuals must be careful in their choices in life; otherwise, they will face suffering.

Tithonus conveys a different message for the Victorian people. Tithonus sought immortality and received divine blessings for it. This desire reflects a growing emphasis on science and knowledge. During the Victorian era, many scientists and scholars began to challenge Christianity and religion as a whole. The criticism of religion became so pronounced that Charles Darwin was able to publish his book, claiming that there was no God and that the Bible was fundamentally flawed. According to Darwin’s theory, human beings did not originate from divine creation but evolved through natural processes. Tennyson may have wanted to suggest that if we forget God and focus solely on science and knowledge, destruction may follow.

Tennyson also warned the Victorian people about their desires. The message of Tithonus can be summarized as: “Be careful about what you wish for.” He wanted to convey to his fellow countrymen that if they desired too much, like Tithonus, they would ultimately suffer. During this time, there was significant political activity, and ordinary people were demanding more rights and democracy. As a result, there was a great deal of violence during the Victorian age, and Tennyson was not someone who favored social anarchy.

I have already stated that Tennyson was not fond of rapid change in society. In Tithonus, he aimed to convey to his people that the natural way is the best way. Tithonus desired something unnatural—immortality—which ultimately led to his destruction and suffering.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in these two poems, Oenone and Tithonus, Tennyson conveyed important messages to the Victorian people. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

The importance of following and imitating a good role model

It is clear that a good role model plays an important role in the lives of individuals and society and has many advantages. Here are some points that highlight the importance of role models:

Guidance: A good role model guides others because they take inspiration from it as a good model to follow. It helps them make the right decisions and choose the right behavior.

Promotes positive values: A good role model fosters positive values in people and society. They see a role model as an example to follow and emulate in their behavior and ethics.

Improves family relationships: A good role model leads to the improvement of family relationships. When children follow a good example, they feel comfortable and trust family members, and in this way, everyone cooperates to form a united family filled with love and respect.

Saves time and effort in education: A good role model reduces the effort and time parents need to raise their children. Children learn correct values and proper behavior through the positive example set by a role model.

Builds an educated and aware generation: A good example is one of the main reasons for raising a generation capable of respecting and appreciating others. A good role model helps develop awareness and rationality in individuals through positive examples and good actions.

Promotes devotion to God: Among other benefits, a good role model guides people towards God and plays a crucial role in attracting them to religion. A good example serves as a powerful way to make others think about religion and improve their thoughts and actions under the influence of this good example.

Works on change and reform: A good example is a strong motivation for change and reform in society. It inspires people and encourages them to do good deeds and contribute to improving social and educational conditions for everyone.

In summary, it can be said that a good role model is an essential element in the lives of people and society. It contributes to empowering a generation to take responsibility and achieve positive changes in society.

Role models are an important source of inspiration and influence in people’s lives. As a source of guidance and direction, role models take various forms and are divided into several types. To understand them better, we will highlight a few of these types.

Good role model: A good role model is a positive figure that people can follow in various aspects of life. A good role model has a distinctive ideal image and positive qualities that inspire others to strive for success and development.

Bad role model: In contrast, a bad role model can have a negative impact on the lives of those who look up to them. These role models exhibit undesirable behaviors or negative characteristics that can hinder a person’s growth and development.

Positive role model: This role model is characterized by positive qualities. It embodies good ethics and noble values like honesty, sincerity, generosity, and courage. Those who follow this role model can become a source of inspiration to others and uplift their spirits.

Negative role model: A negative role model represents poor behavior and habits that should be avoided. People must be cautious of this type of role model and resist being influenced by them, as they can lead to deviance or negative consequences.

Role model in business: In business, role models take many forms. Positive and successful role models are often represented by successful entrepreneurs and celebrities who have visions and ambitions that inspire others to achieve similar success. On the other hand, negative and unsuccessful role models may hinder professional growth and development.

In summary, role models take many shapes and forms, both positive and negative. Therefore, we must be cautious when choosing our role models and always strive to be a positive role model for others, making a lasting impact on their lives.

What is the difference between a good and a bad role model?

A good role model is someone who exhibits positive qualities and behaviors, presenting an example that others strive to emulate. In contrast, a bad role model displays negativity and undesirable behaviors, making them unworthy of imitation. A good role model encourages the development of positive qualities and ethics, whereas a bad role model can pass on negative traits to those who follow them. For example, a good role model might be a symbol of positive character for their children or a symbol of respect for their students at school. Setting a good example contributes to the growth and development of personality positively. Therefore, people should strive to seek out and become good role models.

What sets a good role model apart?

A good role model has many qualities and characteristics that make them worthy of emulation. These include incorporating values of faith and righteousness (taqwa) into their daily lives, sincerely worshipping God, and adhering to the two testimonies of faith (Shahada). They believe in the core principles of religion and faith, including belief in God, His messengers, His books, and respect for the virtues that should guide a person’s life.

Additionally, good role models prioritize obligatory and recommended duties because they aim to live by the pillars of their faith. They are also honest, display good morals and behaviors, and are symbols of humility and friendliness. Moreover, they seek to serve their community and strive for justice in all aspects of life. These qualities set a good role model apart in society and make them an example to follow.

What is the impact of a good role model on individuals and society?

A good role model plays an important role in influencing both individuals and society. They help refine and develop individuals by serving as a reference for good behavior and helping others develop their skills and values.

Furthermore, a good role model has a significant impact on the entire community. Through their influence, the community becomes more united and experiences a sense of brotherhood. A good role model also spreads optimism and positivity throughout society.

Therefore, selecting a good role model is crucial. One should choose an individual who possesses qualities like honesty, justice, courage, and tolerance. They must be able to inspire and influence others with these positive values and actions.

In summary, the impact of a good role model on individuals and society is invaluable. They contribute to building a strong and conscious society where development and a culture of peace are prioritized. Thus, we should all strive to be good leaders who can serve as examples for others to follow.

What is the role of a good role model in shaping a generation?

A good role model plays an important role in shaping a generation. It is considered a guide and example that people in their community follow. A good role model contributes to building a society by shaping a generation capable of facing challenges, working hard, and persevering. It also helps spread sincerity and the value of determination for success, which builds a bright future for individuals and the community. Having a good role model encourages work and improvement and overall helps society become better.

What is the relationship between a role model and companionship?

The relationship between a role model and companionship is a strong and influential one in a person’s life. A role model means we follow and are inspired by the behavior and ethics of that person, whom we consider an ideal. Companionship, on the other hand, is the blessed relationship that connects us with good friends who influence the shaping of our personality and behavior. If our company is good and inspired by positive role models, it will have a positive impact on our lives, both in this world and the hereafter. Therefore, we must be careful in choosing good friends who contribute to the development and progress of our personality and faith.

How can a person become an ideal for others?

A person who wants to be a role model for others must have many qualities and skills. For example, the person must have the ability to take responsibility and admit their mistakes. Moreover, a role model must have a great understanding and respect for others’ opinions, whether they agree or disagree. This contributes to creating a learning environment that encourages a culture of cooperation and mutual understanding. Managers and leaders must have strong abilities to achieve positive outcomes because embracing these ideas and demonstrating the potential in others will contribute to building society.

There is no doubt that the right positive role model will contribute to increasing others’ confidence in the individual and will have a significant impact on inspiring others to reach their highest potential, whether in the educational environment or other fields.

What is the nicest thing about a good role model?

The most beautiful thing said about a good role model is that it makes you a beacon for everyone because people strive to achieve what you have achieved in life. A good role model represents the perfection of an individual, so others can emulate and want to imitate them. A good role model highlights idealism in behavior and the perfection of work. These two things characterize ideals and role models, from whom we draw inspiration for our behavior and actions. It is a beautiful thing for a religious person to be a good role model for others to follow, to show them the right path, and to provide a solid foundation to shape our lives.

The difference between a role model and an ideal lie in the meaning they express and the emphasis placed on each. A role model refers to someone whose actions and behavior should be followed and emulated, whereas an ideal is considered someone worthy of imitation in terms of their actions, including various aspects of their life. Although their meanings overlap, a perfect role model represents a harmony between words and actions, while an ideal refers to the flawless behavior of a particular person.

Example of a good role model:

A good role model plays a crucial role in the lives of individuals and society by providing a model of God-fearing and honest morals. These people live according to the principles of their beliefs and values, inspiring others to become the best versions of themselves.

Role models exist across various fields, including religious, cultural, sports, and other areas. For example, the last prophet is regarded as the most wonderful ideal due to his good morals. He was honest and empathetic to all people. Even in the most difficult situations, he showed humility and tolerance. His commitment to prayer and worship made him a unique model of faith and spirituality.

In modern society, there are other role models like scientists, writers, and athletes who care about social issues and strive for progress and development. Anyone who gives back to society through their profession or hobby can be considered a good role model. They set an example that inspires others to contribute and work towards positive change.

In short, a good role model instills high human values in individuals and reminds them of the importance of adhering to their principles and values, whether in religious, behavioral, or even scientific realms. They inspire others to overcome challenges and strive for personal excellence and the progress of society as a whole. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

The relationship between Aeneas and Dido in The Aeneid

In the epic, The Aeneid, both Venus and Juno contribute to the union between Aeneas and Dido. When Aeneas is blown to Carthage by a storm, Venus appears to him in disguise and advises him to enter the city and speak with the queen. To ensure the safety of her son in this new land, Venus sends her other son, Cupid, to fill Dido with passion for Aeneas. Venus does this to protect Aeneas and his son, fearing that Dido might otherwise be cruel to them. 

Juno harbors animosity towards Aeneas due to Paris’ judgment in a divine beauty contest, where Paris favors Venus over her. Consequently, Juno desires their destruction. However, both Venus and Juno collaborate to make Dido fall in love with Aeneas, each for her own reasons. Juno hopes that Dido’s love will prevent Aeneas from reaching Italy, while Venus seeks solace for the shipwrecked and hopeless Aeneas. To achieve this, they use Cupid to instill Dido with a deep affection for Aeneas.

Things become complicated due to the interference of the two goddesses. Their actions create a storm that drives Dido and Aeneas to seek shelter in a cave, where they engage in an unofficial “marriage” and most likely make it complete by getting intimate.

Aeneas is presented to Dido in a way that makes their love seem reasonable and realistic. When Aeneas narrates his story, he represents himself as a hero, which makes Dido even more infatuated with him. They also find many things in common, as both Aeneas and Dido have fled their homelands.

In the epic poem The Aeneid, Anna, Dido’s sister, proposes a marriage between Dido and Aeneas for two main reasons. First, if Dido marries Aeneas, it would strengthen Carthage as the Trojan warriors follow him. Numerous African tribes surround Carthage, posing a constant threat of attack. This is a political reason. However, emotional reasons outweigh the political ones. Dido tells Anna that she desires Aeneas and is willing to break her promise to her deceased husband, which was to remain faithful to him. Before Aeneas arrives in Carthage, Dido has received marriage proposals from African tribal leaders and her own people, but she has rejected them due to her promise. Upon meeting Aeneas, she falls in love with the Trojan hero.

The gods are also involved in the separation of Aeneas and Dido. When Jupiter, the king of the gods, learns of their affair, he sends Mercury to Carthage to remind Aeneas of his duty to leave for Italy and found another Trojan city.

Mercury reminds Aeneas that his future lies somewhere else and that he must leave for Italy. This message shocks Aeneas, who feels he has no choice but to obey the gods’ command. Unsure how to inform Dido of his departure, he tries to prepare his fleet to set sail in secret. However, the queen suspects his plan and confronts him. In a rage, she insults him and accuses him of betraying her honor, begging him to stay. In response, Aeneas asserts that he was never truly her husband and loves his destiny more sthan he loves her. He explains that he is going to Italy not of his own will but because Jupiter commands it. As a final effort, Dido sends Anna to persuade the Trojan hero to stay, but Aeneas remains unmoved by the pleas of both Dido and Anna and continues his preparations.

The moment Dido sees the fleet leaving, she rushes to the courtyard, climbs upon a pyre, and ends her life by falling onto Aeneas’ sword.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Hereditary guilt in Agamemnon

The sacrifice of his daughter, Iphigenia, is perhaps one of Agamemnon’s major crimes, which brought about the domestic tragedy of his fate. Because of this crime, he was killed at the hands of his wife.

It should be known to all that Agamemnon sacrificed his innocent daughter due to another woman’s promiscuity. He did not do this of his own will but was compelled to commit such a grievous act so that the Greek forces could avenge the reckless actions of Paris and Helen.

Agamemnon and his crew could not continue their journey due to a strong west wind sent by the goddess Artemis. This wind was a punishment for Agamemnon having offended Artemis by killing an animal sacred to her. The only way to appease Artemis and stop the wind was for Agamemnon to sacrifice his daughter to her.

To seek revenge for Paris’ crime and to help his brother retrieve his wife, Agamemnon felt he had no choice but to sacrifice his daughter. Although the wind was obstructing Agamemnon and his crew from continuing their journey, most sensible fathers would have forsaken Helen if it meant saving their own daughter. As punishment for his crime, Agamemnon was murdered at home upon his return from the war as a victor. 

In this example of hereditary guilt, Agamemnon’s actions make it easy for readers to develop hatred toward him and sympathy for Clytemnestra.

Another significant reason that prompted Clytemnestra to kill her husband was that Agamemnon brought back a concubine, Cassandra, from the war. Not only did Agamemnon have the audacity to get Cassandra into the palace, but he also expected her to be treated with appropriate care and attention. He instructed, “Escort this stranger in, be gentle.” By doing so, he only strengthened Clytemnestra’s resolve and removed any doubts she might have had before his return.

Examining Agamemnon’s family history reveals the curse that plagued his lineage for generations. Atreus, Agamemnon’s father, initiated the cycle of violence by killing the children of his brother, Thyestes. As a result, Agamemnon inherited this curse and found himself in an ongoing rivalry with his cousin, Aegisthus. Coincidentally, Aegisthus is Clytemnestra’s lover, and his desire to kill Agamemnon makes Clytemnestra’s decision easier. It is clear that Aegisthus influenced her thoughts regarding Agamemnon’s death.

The Chorus explains another crucial reason for Agamemnon’s murder: they believe that the victors of the Trojan War must suffer for their success. This notion proves true in the end, as Agamemnon loses his life upon returning home as a victor of the Trojan War.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The love story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra and the last day of their lives

John Dryden is not very famous in the history of English literature, but one of his plays has become immortal, and that is All for Love. This play is based on a historical event, and before this, a famous playwright like William Shakespeare had also written on the same topic in English literature. Here, the main subject is the love story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra and the last day of their lives. The main character of this play is Antony, who is more or less a tragic hero. He may not be completely considered a tragic hero because he has several flaws, but even so, in the end, his tragic fate evokes a sense of sympathy in the hearts of readers.

The first thing we should keep in mind is that John Dryden created the character of Antony according to the standards of his era. If we look at the Restoration period, we can see that unrest and anarchy was prevalent at that time. There was constant conflict between Catholics and Protestants over power, and there was uncertainty about who would succeed Charles II as king. In other words, there were problems in all aspects during the Restoration period, and we can see this restlessness in the play All for Love. Moreover, Dryden wrote All for Love thinking about his era in mind, and he tried to take a strong stand against the king’s opponents.

Antony’s character is somewhat similar. We know that during the Restoration period, there was moral degradation in society, and many people engaged in relationships outside their marriages. In Antony’s case, we can see that his sense of morality is not very strong. He abandons his wife and children and starts living with Cleopatra without marrying her. If we look at the present era, many aspects of Antony’s character are not very admirable. He abandons his wife and son, betrays the Roman Empire, and allies with Cleopatra, which angers the Roman emperor Octavius.

Moreover, he is not very good at friendship either; although his friend Ventidius was always on his side, Antony often disregarded him. Considering all this, Antony does not seem like a great hero by the standards of our time. However, we have to remember that Dryden wrote during his time, and this character is set in Roman civilization. Thus, the standards of morality of that time were different. Among the elites, marrying more than once or spending time with other women after having a wife was not unusual.

One good side of Antony is that he genuinely loved Cleopatra with all his heart and made many sacrifices for her. In the end, he even sacrificed his own life for Cleopatra. So, if we set aside everything else and look at his love for Cleopatra, we can see that there was no fault in that love. This aspect of love evokes sympathy from the audience for Antony. At the same time, there is no doubt that Cleopatra loved him a lot as well.

However, no matter how intense his love for Cleopatra was, Antony was a bad husband and father. He abandoned his wife, Octavia, and when she came to Egypt with their children, Antony did not treat her well. Instead, he expected Octavia to beg her brother, Emperor Octavius, for Antony’s life. Antony never once asked for forgiveness from his wife and children, and this is a significant flaw in his character.

However, the worst side of Antony’s character is his indecisiveness. On one hand, he is blinded by love for Cleopatra, and on the other hand, he wants to become a king and have his soldiers fight in wars. As a result, he is always stumbling between the two: he constantly wants to be close to Cleopatra, but he also needs to go to war. When war comes, one must fight, leaving everything else behind; if distracted by other thoughts, defeat is inevitable. That is exactly what happened to Antony. He lost the war due to his indecisiveness.

Antony had another problem: the conflict between his political ambition and his love affair. On one hand, he loves Cleopatra deeply, almost obsessively. On the other hand, he wants to become the ruler of the Roman empire and also aims to become the king of Egypt. In the struggle between these two ambitions, he ultimately fails in both. He is unable to achieve victory, and Cleopatra commits suicide.

Amidst all of this, Antony has both good and bad qualities, making him seem more human. If we look at ourselves and society, we can see that we also have both positive and negative sides, and many of us are just like Antony. In life, we often struggle with indecisiveness and cannot make the right decisions. This is why Antony is a tragic hero—he has both flaws and virtues. Unlike the tragic heroes in other plays, especially in Greek plays, Antony lacks lofty idealism or a grand personality. Instead, he is portrayed as a person who evokes both hate and love at the same time.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Judgment scene in Oenone

“Oenone” is a wonderful poem written by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. It tells the story of the Greek mythological character Oenone and her tragic life. Perhaps the most important part of the poem is the judgment scene, where the golden apple is introduced, and Paris must choose between the three goddesses who desire it.

Paris decided to give the apple to Aphrodite, who promised him that in return, she would ensure he would have the most beautiful and loving wife in Greece. The judgment scene is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it occurs at a crucial moment in the poem. Up until that point, the poem focuses on Oenone’s sadness, as she has already been abandoned by Paris. Understanding the background of the story, which the judgment scene provides, is essential for the reader. 

The poem reaches its climax in the judgment scene, where Paris’ decision sets the course for what follows. It is at this moment that Paris resolves to leave Oenone and pursue Helen as his wife. The judgment scene also reflects Tennyson’s idea about 19th-century England, particularly the Victorian era. Hera symbolizes power, much like Queen Victoria. During the Victorian age, the English people made significant advancements in science and knowledge, which Pallas Athena represents. Simultaneously, there was an increasing emphasis on beauty and superficial appearances, as embodied by Aphrodite. Thus, the judgment scene highlights the dilemma faced by the Victorian people, who were torn between these competing values during Tennyson’s time.

The judgment scene also provides Tennyson with an opportunity to impart moral lessons within the poem. Although “Oenone” is based on a mythological character, it carries important moral messages. The poem suggests that we should not be overly driven by passion, especially when it comes to love and marriage. Oenone suffered because she was too passionate about Paris, ignoring his background and character. Similarly, Paris, consumed by his passion for Helen, fails to recognize that Oenone is a good wife. His decision to leave Oenone for Helen was an act of folly, underscoring the dangers of letting passion override reason.

“Oenone” is a beautiful dramatic monologue in which Oenone serves as the speaker. She reflects on a critical moment in her life, as is typical in dramatic monologues, where characters often share their experiences during pivotal situations. In this poem, the judgment scene plays a key role in helping us understand Oenone’s background and the circumstances that have led to her current state.

Oenone is enduring a critical situation and is contemplating suicide. The judgment scene reveals the shock she experienced as she witnessed Paris leaving her to accept Aphrodite’s gift of another woman. This betrayal is heartbreaking for any woman or wife in any era. The judgment scene allows us to deeply empathize with Oenone’s pain and understand the extent of her suffering.

The judgment scene also introduces several key characters, particularly the three goddesses. These goddesses were incredibly powerful and often manipulated the lives of humans, reflecting a common belief in ancient Greece. However, in this scene, we also see negative traits, especially in Aphrodite. She tempts Paris with the promise of a beautiful woman, ultimately leading to the destruction of both Paris and Oenone’s lives.

The judgment scene in “Oenone” is particularly interesting, as such scenes are more commonly found in dramas, like in The Merchant of Venice. The judgment scene in The Merchant of Venice is renowned and has become iconic. Although “Oenone” is not a lengthy poem, it still features a compelling and significant judgment scene, adding depth and intrigue to the narrative. 

Treatment of Arthurian legend

“Morte d’Arthur” is the final part of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s epic poem Idylls of the King. In this section, the poet narrates the death of King Arthur and the fate of his sword, Excalibur. The Victorian era is marked by significant scientific advancements, but it is also characterized by a sense of restlessness. With the rise of science, many people began to lose faith in religion. King Arthur remains a central figure in England’s history.

The true understanding of materialism versus myth in “Morte d’Arthur” is revealed in the scene between Arthur and Sir Bedivere. Mortally wounded, Arthur commands Bedivere to throw Excalibur back into the lake from which it came. Bedivere runs to the lake, ready to fulfill his duty, when the sight of Excalibur’s hilt catches his eye. The hilt “twinkled with diamond sparks, / Myriads of topaz-lights, and jacinth-work / Of subtlest jewellery” (56-58). Initially prepared to throw the sword into the lake, Bedivere is instead captivated by its beauty. Unable to part with it, he chooses to conceal Excalibur “there in the many-knotted waterflags” (62-63) and returns to the king, lying about the sword’s fate.

Arthur immediately recognizes the lie and gently scolds Bedivere, reminding him that it is a “shameful thing for men to lie” (78). He orders Bedivere once again to cast the sword into the lake. Bedivere returns to the lake but is once more captivated by the “wonder of the hilt” (85). He rationalizes his disobedience, speaking of the sword in purely materialistic terms, describing it as a “precious thing... which might have pleased the eye of many men” (89-91). He imagines it displayed in a treasure house or at a tournament, disregarding its sanctity and mystery. Most significantly, he disobeys his king. 

Arthur does not respond kindly to Bedivere’s second betrayal, and he seems to grasp the motive behind it fully. He condemns Bedivere as “miserable and unkind, untrue, / Unknightly, traitor-hearted...” (119-120) and laments that Bedivere would “betray me for the precious hilt; Either from lust of gold, or like a girl / Valuing the giddy pleasure of the eyes” (126-128). While Arthur forgave Bedivere’s first offense as a crime of impulse, the second was a deliberate act of rationalization that the king could not condone. Bedivere consciously chose to keep the sword, a symbol of material perfection, over obeying his king’s orders. In this, Tennyson offers a critique of the materialism that permeated his own culture, illustrating that while the allure of material perfection is tempting, it must ultimately be set aside in favor of something deeper. 

Victorian elements and ideas in Tennyson’s Oenone and Tithonus

Alfred, Lord Tennyson was the greatest poet of the Victorian age, and during his lifetime, he was more popular than Robert Browning and Matt...